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Japan Documents Handbook titles
This series focuses on the broad field of Japanese Studies, aimed at the worldwide English language scholarly market, published in Tokyo in English. Each Handbook contains an average of 20 newly written contributions on various aspects of the topic, which together comprise an up-to-date survey of use to scholars and students. The focus is on Humanities and Social Sciences.
Teaching Japan: A Handbook (Edited by Ioannis Gaitanidis and Gregory S. Poole)

Teaching Japan: A Handbook aims to offer ideas and examples of pedagogy in the undergraduate classroom. The basic premise taken by the authors begins with a question: What if stereotypes surrounding Japan were not pushed to the margins in teaching but took center stage and were exposed for the multiple ways that they can be used to learn not only about “Japan” but of various scholarly disciplines? The task then becomes constructing ways to challenge essentialist notions that do not seek merely to deny, but to shift the conversation constructively by encouraging engagement with a theoretical field from which to acquire tools to critically and effectively evaluate stereotypes of Japan or other societies. The result is a collection of carefully crafted case studies of syllabi that showcase pedagogies aimed at the deconstruction of concepts such as “Japan,” “Japanese,” or “Japanese society” while at the same time offering skills of inquiry that transcend the topics being deconstructed. This handbook is not meant to be a manual, but a source of ideas by colleagues who right now, in a variety of disciplinary and institutional settings, are tackling the same issues as you, the current or future teacher who plans to use case studies from Japan in your lectures.
June, 2024, 334p. Hardback
ISBN: 9784909286468
¥28,875 (tax included)
Ioannis Gaitanidis and Gregory S. Poole
Ioannis Gaitanidis is an associate professor at the Graduate School of Global and Transdisciplinary Studies, Chiba University, Japan. Ioannis’ research focuses on contemporary crossings between therapy and religion. His monograph, Spirituality and Alternativity in Contemporary Japan: Beyond Religion? (2022) was published in Bloomsbury Advances in Religious Studies. Since 2013, he has been involved in managing the Japanese Studies curriculum at Chiba University. These efforts of thinking about Japanese Studies pedagogy from the ground up led to the publication of a co-edited/co-authored textbook, Kuritikaru Nihongaku: Kyōdō gakushū o tōshite Nihon no sutereotaipu o manabihogusu (Critical Japanese studies: Unlearning Japanese stereotypes through collaborative learning, 2020, Akashi Shoten).
Gregory S. Poole is a professor of social anthropology at the Institute for the Liberal Arts, Doshisha University, Kyoto. Greg’s area of research focuses mostly on topics within the anthropology of education and his books include three co-edited volumes, Foreign Language Education in Japan: Exploring Qualitative Approaches (co-edited with Sachiko Horiguchi and Yuki Imoto, 2015, Springer), Reframing Diversity in the Anthropology of Japan (co-edited with John Ertl, John Mock, and John McCreery, 2015, Kanazawa University), and Higher Education in East Asia: Neoliberalism and the Professoriate (co-edited with Ya-chen Chen, 2009, Brill), as well as a monograph, The Japanese Professor: An Ethnography of a University Faculty (2010, Brill).
Alice Berthon, Grenoble Alpes University, France; Jeremy Breaden, Monash University, Australia; Paula R. Curtis, University of California, Los Angeles; Neriko Musha Doerr, Ramapo College, New Jersey, USA; Alice Doublier, French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS); Isabel Fassbender, Kansai Gaidai University, Osaka, Japan; Steven C. Fedorowicz, Kansai Gaidai University, Osaka, Japan; Yulia Frumer, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland,USA; Satoko Fujiwara, University of Tokyo; Nana Okura Gagné, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Ioannis Gaitanidis, Chiba University, Japan; Yuri Kumagai, Smith College; Charlotte Lamotte, Grenoble Alpes University, France; Jennifer M. McGuire, Doshisha University, Kyoto; Chris McMorran, National University of Singapore; Fusako Ota, Monash University, Australia; Gregory S. Poole, Doshisha University, Kyoto; Ayako Sasaki, Chiba University, Japan; Satoko Shao-Kobayashi, Chiba University, Japan; Stevie Suan, Hosei University; Christian Tagsold, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany; Tomoko Tokunaga, University of Tsukuba, Japan.